The Blog

This blog is hand written, in (n)vim, over ssh. It uses no php or javascript, and thus no cookies. Please excuse any spellig mistakes. Any complaints can be directed as follows: $ echo $complaints > /dev/null

2024-03-10 - Rambling About the End of Creativity

The year is the far flung future of 2022, the world was just introduced to the first generative AI for images, and all hell broke loose.

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If you try to visit this site using the webbrowser Links2, you'll see that the color-theme that you see in, say FireFox or such is by-and-large the same.

This might seem like magic, if you ever have tried to do the same using CSS... as you'll probobly just get a gray background, black text and blue links.

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2024-02-21 - Lamenting over Software.

I have no interest in software development anymore...

Or rather what it's become;

When I started out in university the concept of containers and micro-dependansies were new. We did not think of the consequenses of how it would inpact how software was made... As it was simple then.

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