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2024-03-10 - Rambling About the End of Creativity

The year is the far flung future of 2022, the world was just introduced to the first generative AI for images, and all hell broke loose.

At first no-one took it seriously as it was not very good, but then the tech behind it became better and better. The tech uses images scraped of the internet for reference, uses humans to tag the images, often working in slave-like conditions, for little pay.

The first AI generated image wins an art contest - only afterwards was it revealed that it was a fake art, generated by a machine.

Microsoft unvails Co-Pilot. Using the code it scraped from GitHub as basis for this tool. Laudering Free-software through algorithems to avoid adhearing to the licenes of the original authors. A legal quagmire that has yet to be fixed.

YouTubers create channels, that uses Generative AI to generate scripts, generate images, and the voice-overs... We have become bomborded by this garbage.

Just look at your YouTube time-line. How many of those thumbnails use AI Generatde Imagry? Block them for your own sanity. These so-called creators have no morals, they have no creativity to do anything themsleves. They just press a button and create garbage.

Google is now unusable, as we have multiple sites that use AI to bombard the search results with garbage thas was automatically generated from Formum topics, and qestions. The enshitening of the search results have been enormous, and Google does nothing about it.

We have become slaves to the machine. The machine was created by nefarious forces that want to make humans chattle for that they can control. To bring an end to creativity, as creativity is the greatest enemy of those who want total control.

It is worring that some people in the "AI space" are acceleationists - people who want to bring accelerate the end of the world - it's like they want to be the ones that will come out ontop of everything when it's (finally) here. They want to make sure they controll the massses; the massse being a sacrefice they are willing to make so they gain power.

The end of creativity has been carfuly orchestrated, to infiltrate our psyches, to make us forget our fellow human.

The same can be said about many new trends in social media. Short Form Video taking over our timelines on video sharing sites being one that I'm concered about. YouTube did this is response to Tick-Tock[tick-tock], but it's only been disastorous to the platform. Before creators made long videos to make have engagement, making people sit and contemplate what they were watching is some capacity. Now you see a 30 sec clip repeate and repeate and repeate until you slide up/down/left/right, with the comment section hidden away... A thing that has also happened to normal youtube.

The people in the creative industry feels like they have been replaced, as that is what has happened by many standards. Instead of hiering an artist to create something for a a tenner, they write a few words in to a text-box on a website and get an image. The funny thing is that they often have to pay for these services! Why not use that money they pay for them to hire an artist? I... I have no answer for that. Laziness? Greed? Being an arse?

The VA industry is also under attack, with companies providing advanced AI driven Text-to-speech solutions. It makes us all feel like no matter what effort we put in it can be replicated by an arse who uses such services. They can input their text, click a button and have a .wav file in their downloads folder in a minute. No effort needed, instead of getting a microphone or hiering a VO artist.

(Not to mention that there are even services that can steal other peopels voices, and replicate them. A true arse-hole-move.)

This may not have been such a problem if the cretive industry was compensated for their loss of opertunities. But they are not. I'm unsure how that would even work. UBI maybe? That seems like a solution. I don't know.

Sorry for my ramblings,



I don't care enough about it to know how it's really splt.